

Users can book rentals listed on your site. Bookings are connected with each rentals as well. Bookings are very simple and easy to learn.

How Does Bookings Work?

If you access your WordPress admin dashboard, you'll find the Bookings menu under the Vacation Rentals menu. As shown below.


🔥 1. Add a Booking Manually!

You can add a Booking manually by following these steps.

  • ACCESS WordPress admin dashboard.
  • GO TO Vacation Rentals > Bookings menu.
  • CLICK ADD NEW button.


  • TITLE for the Booking will be auto generated.
  • TITLE consists of a random booking number with the date Booking was made. (This is not the Booking date, but when the Booking was made in WP). Date has international format, i.e. (Year-Month-Day).


To add the Booking you can fill the information asked of you on this screen.


  • BOOKING CONFIRMATION: Select Pending or Confirmed.
  • THE RENTAL: Select the rental you are going to book. Selected Rental's value cannot be changed once it is set either manually or automatically. If you haven't added a rental then add a new RENTAL!


  • CHECKIN DATE (Year-Month-Day).
  • CHECKOUT DATE (Year-Month-Day).
  • GUESTS Add number of guests. Example Value: 2.
  • NAME Name of the person booking the rental. Booked By, E.g. John.
  • EMAIL ID of the person booking the rental. Example Value: john@gmail.com
  • PRIVATE NOTE: Keep a private note about this rental booking. This field will not be displayed anywhere else.



  • The first metabox (BOOKED RENTAL PROPERTY) will display the rental property that is being booked. When you haven't selected any rental property it will just show: - No rental property selected!.
  • Once the rental property is selected then it will display that rental property with key details.


After filling the data, press Publish. The rental is only Booked if you have selected Confiremd. Otherwise it will stay as a pending booking. Here's how it looks after getting published.

Check out the rental listing now shows at the top. 
Also, check the private note that you can add for your team members to see.


🔥 2. Add a Booking Automatically!

Explained below; in How Can a Customer Book a Rental?

🔥 3. How Can a Customer Book a Rental?

You or your customers can Book a rental from the frontend. Open a rental listing and book it from the sidebar by adding the following information.

  • CHECK IN date.
  • CHECK OUT date.
  • GUESTS: No. of guests.


The booking gets submitted as a pending Booking. As shown below.



To confirm the Booking; you have to access it, mark it as Confirmed and then Publish it. As shown below.

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